Saturday, August 13, 2005



WOW the summer is almost over! Only one weekend left! It seems like just yesterday we were getting out of school! It has been a great summer and I have done a ton of Awesome things! I got to go to Kansas and babysit the bestest kids ever! Then I got to hang out with my old youth minister and his wife before they moved. That was AWESOME! Then I helped out with a M.S. retreat and got to bond with some awesome Middle Schoolers! Then I hung out with some friends for a week and wasn't home at all! LOL Then I went to Mexico! WOW is all I can say! It was different but fun! God was with us the whole time. We even made the paper! LOL Then when I got back I left for San Antonio because my grandma was having her 3rd and 4th vertebra fuzed together. She got through that ok. While we were down there my fav. Great aunt died and we went to her funnel in Brenham. Then I left my mom in San Antonio and came home to house sit. We had a pool for a whole week. It was awesome. I spent most of this week with another friend. It was a great week. Then I went Job hunting so I could get some money to visit the two families that I love and so I can get a car! I found one and I now work at Albertsons. I have also started filling out applications for scholarships for college. My mom told me I have two jobs. Then this past weekend was Crossover. It was AWESOME! you could tell that God was with us. It was all about joy and how it is ok to be a Christian even when others don't agree! It was awesome! Monday morning I have Sr. Pictures but all I am taking is my year book and cap and gown because I want my Sr. pics to be taking in some of my fav spots. I have several of them picked out. I just have to get there and take the pictures. I am looking forward to my Sr. Year but it won't be a blow off year. I am taking College algebra, College English, Pre Cal, Spanish 2, and Govenment/economics. I hope everyone has had a great summer! I know I have! I hope everyone has a great school year! TTYL LYL GOD BLESS!


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