Sunday, September 14, 2008

Proud moments!!

Today was a great day. I stood up for myself a lot today. I am very proud of myself. Today I was at this meeting and I asked a guy to sit by me. Which I don't normally do unless we are really good friends so that was good. So I was proud of myself for doing that.

Then today I was at this concert. It was a Christian concert and we got there a little more than an hour before doors opened so we could get a good seat. There were about 25 people in front of us. As we stood there another group that knew the group in front of us came to buy their tickets and then they stayed there because they knew the other group. This made several of us behind them mad. We had been standing there about 30 min and out of no where it went from 25 people to about 40 or so. I was ticked and so were the three girls in front of me. We tried to tell some of the concert people but they didn't hear us. So then I sent one of the girls I took with me up there and told them to cut and see what happened. They did and no one seemed to be saying anything so I sent the other girl I took with me. Then I told the girls in front of me who were mad about it that I would have them save us all a seat. I went up there and told the girls that when they got in we needed 6 seats. They said they would save them. This little short guy was listening in on our conversation. He asked the girls when I left what it was all about and they told him it wasn't his business. AWESOME! I was so proud of them when they told me that later. Then this big guy turns around and started questioning them. He was with the group that cut in line. I noticed this and went up to him and started asking him if there was a problem. He said yes these girls cut. I said well so did you. He went on to say how they were from a small town. I said that I was from a small town and I understood that but if they had all wanted to sit together they should have gotten there at the same time. He then said lets not get into this it is a Christian concert. I replied I understand that. That is one reason I have a problem with yall cutting and then getting mad at them for cutting. He got my point and told his whole group to go to the back. Then the girls and I went back to our spot in line. I don't normally say stuff when stuff like that happens but it was 15 to 20 people and really why would you cut about 100 people. I was proud of myself for saying something. It was pretty amazing. I have been doing this more often. I think It gives me a since of self confidence.

So today take some time to stick up for your self. It could be a good thing.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

We are not alone.

I just went to fill my car up because I know that the gas prices are going to rise thanks to Ike. On my way home this song came on. I am not too keen on this video but it is better than the live ones. There have been some times this week I have felt like this song. I feel like God is not there and that I just don't have the strength or energy to do what I need to get done. Then I think about how much God is working in my life. He is so amazing and I am so blessed. Then I think about the hurricane and how much this is going to devastate the state of Texas. I know several families who will be directly involved with this storm. My family will be one of those families. I have three uncles in Houston who could not leave today. It makes me sad. Then I think about Lubbock and how they have had so much water over the last few days and that if they get any more they will be flooded for sure. It make me sad. This song brings me hope. It reminds me to rely on God through all of this and that he is here with us no matter what happens. Too often in my life I have relied on other people and not on God. It is time for a change. It is time to let God take control of me and for me to let him. It will be a rough road but I know it will be a good one.

Storyside: B - Be Still
From the album We Are Not Alone

I remember all the times
The good times and the bad (some good and some are bad)
I'm still holding on to you
Some days I wanna run
And times I come undone
But I still belong to you
Thats how I know that

When I feel like caving in
My heart my soul is wearing thin
I just want to give up
Nothing seems at all to add up
Can you hear me Lord?
My face is down upon the floor
Its then you whisper in my ear
Be still and know I'm here

I see a side of you my friend
The same struggles that I have
My heart goes out to you
I know its hard to feel alone
And this world's so unforgiving
I've been feeling that way too
But I can tell you


Is that you?
Is this me
It's sometimes hard to believe that
I am not alone

Its not just you
And not just me
We all need to believe that
We are not alone

Tuesday, September 02, 2008


Tonight I went to soaking and while I was talking with God I asked him to help me deal with some feelings that I have been hiding. I have always struggled with my grandpa being paralyzed. I finally realized this weekend that I have been keeping everything to myself. Tonight I dealt with it. I came to the realization that God is ok with me being mad at him. I may never understand this but for now I am dealing with it slowly. :) God has been so good to me I just don't get him sometimes.