Sunday, February 25, 2007

an awesome weekend

This weekend was amazing! I went out Friday night with some friends and it was fun I guess. We went to a club. I have never been to a club. We stayed till it closed. It got boring about 30 min into it. I think it would have been more fun if we were all dancing but we weren't. Then we went to IHOP but a few of our friends didn't go. It kind of sucked since we had all planed on going together. Then me and my friend Ashley went to my house and went to sleep and slept till about 2. It was a nice 12 hours of sleep. I have learned that you don't do too much on the weekends during the day because you are catching up on your sleep. Then we woke up and watched TV for like 4 hours and my mom came home and told us that she was going to the Homeplace. I love that place. Me and Ashley went with her. It was so much fun. Then we went to a movie and saw Catch and Release. It was pretty good. Then we came back and went to sleep. Then today was all about church. I did my normal thing. I called my grandpa today and for those who are wondering he is in the hospital right now and they are still trying to find out what is causing him to be sick. I am hoping that they find it soon so he can go home. I am going to see them this weekend and to go to the Zoe Conference. Then I went and walked like I always do. It was fun even though we were short on time and there were 3 of us. I didn't get to talk to one person that I had really wanted to talk to. She wasn't home. Last week when we talked I could tell something wasn't right. I am kind of worried about her. Then I went to University C of C and did some activities with their youth group. One of my classes requires me to do 6 things outside of class and that was one of them. It was quite fun. Then I washed my car and got dinner and now I am fixing to go to bed. I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Monday, February 19, 2007

a interesting day!

So today I wanted to skip class so bad but I didn't. I went like a good little girl and now I am wishing I hadn’t. Anyway we did a scavenger hunt all fun and stuff. We walked all around campus. It was fun until my nose started to run and I started to sneeze. We were almost done though and we were in first place so I was trying to hurry. Then as we were finishing I could tell something was wrong. My fingers we swelling and my hand were as red as my Jim Ned Indians shirt I had on. It was crazy. I went to the restroom and looked at my face and it was swelling as well. It was crazy. Have you ever seen the movie Hitch? If so my face looked like his if not then you have no idea what I am talking about and that is ok too. It was so crazy. I called my dad and he took me to the campus Dr. and I got two shots. Then my mom joined us and laughed at me because it was really funny! So it was an interesting day!!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


I havn't bloged in forever. I feel like I never have time for it. College is so busy all the time. Yesterday I spent an hour or so just sitting and relaxing. It was so nice. I think that it makes the week a little less stressfull when you just sit and relax. Well I don't really have much to say but maybe I will later.