Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sing Song and SNOW!!!

So this last weekend was sing song. I was in the senior act. It was fun but Im glad it is over. I did the whole sing song thing once and that was enough for me. Anyway....

Its another snow day. I have to say I love the snow days. They are pretty amazing. I love how everything is so white and pretty. I love how children (and big kids) get to play out in the snow and make snow men and have snowball fights. Its amazing. I just really love snow. Even though it comes with its down sides it is pretty amazing.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


I have spent a lot of time lately thinking about what I want to give up for lent. I have thought about several things but the thing I have decided on is that I am going to give up some time. I want to spend more time in the word everyday. I am thinking about doing a 40 day bible study called "A Call to Die" by David Nasser. a 40 day journey of fasting from the world and feasting on God. I have attempted to do this bible study before. It is no walk in the park but I think that I should try it again. I think it will be a good thing to do and it will allow me to work on spending more time in the word. I want to spend time with the bible study and just time reading the word everyday. I think it will be good for me. We shall see how it goes. This means I will have to say no to some things in order to keep it up.

So when I was thinking about lent I thought about how much time I spend running around and doing things that are all focused on me. I then thought about how different my life would be if I took time to just exist and listen to God. So I thought that I would spend more time with God and less time on me and what I need to do in the world. We shall see how it goes.