Sunday, March 27, 2005



HAPPY EASTER! This year easter has been very very diffrent! We didn't do our usual thing. Normally we would go to my great aunts farm and on Sun morning everyone would drive to her house and we would have church on her front porch then we would all eat lunch. Then after lunch the "kids" would have an easter egg hunt. It was always great fun. I loved it! This year we staied home cuz my great aunt is staing at her sons house and has to have 24 hour care. It is really sad. Now we have to start new traditions. It was a good moring. I went to a sun rise service and it was kewl. It was really cold but being by the lake with snow was really kewl. Then I went to church and helped flower a cross. That was AWESOME. I had never flowered a cross and so I had the chance to and it was kewl. Then I went to church and set with my other family. That was kewl. I am really going to miss them. Then I came home and was home alone for a lil while till my parents got home and then they went to bed so it really doesn't seem like Easter. It is really diffrent this year but alot of things are diffrent this year and alot of things will be diffrent next year. Well I am going to go! TTYL LYL GOD BLESS


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