Sunday, November 07, 2004



what's going on? I had an awesome weekend! I didn't know how it was going to turn out but it was awesome! I had a lot of work to do but the Lord provided people to step up and help! It was so awesome! Friday I got to go to Leakey. I have never been allowed to drive to Leakey alone but I got to this time! I was so happy! Then that evening I just chilled with my younger friends! It was kewl! Then Sat I got up and ate breakfast and just kinda chilled then took Holly up to the lookout and we took pictures. Then we went to a part of the camp called the Blue Hole. It is so awesome! It is a part of the river that is blue and it is awesome! Then Sat night at dinner I Sat with my huddle but then I went and talked to some other people and got to talking to kids and they started casing me! It was so kewl I had like 10 or more little kids around me! I was so happy! I love little kids! I can't wait to go back in the Spring! Well I have to go I am tired! I will TTYL LYL GOD BLESS BYE!


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