Every year I ask for a word. Thanks to my friend Candy. Last year my word was "new". It was amazing to watch how the word played out in my life throughout the year. There were a lot of "new" things this year that happened and a lot of ways the word "new" showed up.
To start the year off I moved to a "new" house with room mates which was a "new" experience.
I worked again at Fortress which wasn't "new" but they had a "new" director and I went with the Highland girls and that was "new".
I started co-teaching girls at Freedom which was a "new" experience for me and I love it.
I then graduated college and started to look for a job which is something I have never really do so it is a "new" experience.
I then moved again to a "new" house alone which I love. It isn't the best neighborhood in the world but I like it a lot.
Those are just a few examples that I can think of off the top of my head. I started asking God for a word this year and I heard several things so I thought but then as I kept asking the word "Hope" came up several times. So this year my word is "Hope". I can't wait to see all the ways God uses that word.
"Hope" is a very special word to me and I like it a lot. When I was asking for my word "Hope" came up on a job application for an adoption agency called "Hope", then later in several text messages where friends used the word "hope", then I realized that the word "hope" had been my password for my iphone for the last few months (guess I will have to change that now). :D Then I remembered a picture I had on my phone that had the word "hope" in it. It is an awesome picture of a brick wall and someone scratched the word "hope" onto a brick. I love it.
I really like the word "hope". I love these two definitions of "hope":
the general feeling that some desire will be fulfilled
promise: grounds for feeling "hopeful" about the future
I have a lot to look forward too this year and I "hope" it is a great one! :D I can't wait to see what God does in 2011! I know he already has great plans for me.