I am realizing how broken our world today is. I can't believe how much hurt, pain, and suffering is going on out there. There is so much happening right here in our own backyard and yet we are running off to other countries to save their children, feed there homeless, and tell their people about God. There are people right here in your town that need saved, fed, and to hear the good news.
Tonight I spent 45 min with a young girl who has an awful home life. She talked about how no one really notices her and how she doesn't feel loved at home. The only place she said she felt loved was at church. To be honest it made me be thankful for all the times that my mom and dad have told me they loved me and for all the times that my extended family, church family, and friends tell me they love me. I have had so much love in my life that I just can't even fathom feeling like I wasn't loved. I mean sure there are times when I feel like I am not loved but at least I always had someone who cared enough to tell me that they loved me. There are so many children in our world today that are hurting and feel they are not loved. It breaks my heart to hear the stories and to talk to these kids. It is hard but I know that some where in it all is God and he loves them even when no one else does.
Remember today that you are loved even if you don't feel like it. Tell the people around you today that you love them. You never know when it might just make their day.