Saturday, July 26, 2008

Whirlwind of a week

This week has been crazy. A bit of a whirlwind! It started on Sunday when I tried out two different churches. It was a neat experience because I really liked both of the churches. The first church I went to I was introduced to the college minister and that was cool because they seem to have an awesome college program where as my home church doesn't and I think that right now I need a good college program. They hang out like all the time witch is really neat. The second one I went to was really cool too. I just felt so free at both of them. It was an amazing experience. I think that over the last year God as stretched me and changed me a ton. I am not the same person I once was. I am different now and I like who I am becoming. I have considered switching churches before and it is always hard because I love the people at my home church and I have grown up there but the freedom I felt was amazing. So I was dealing with that on Sunday and it carried over into Monday. Which was not good at all. Then on Monday I had some problems with my room mate/Best friend. It was not good. We had a fight. That just escalated all week into an even bigger fight on Friday. It was such a big fight that she moved out and told me that we weren't friends anymore. I was sad and I still am sad. Our friendship was interesting and different very personal. I am sorry things didn't work out. Now I am just moving forward. What happened happened and it is in the past. Today is a new day and I have things to look forward too like my co-coach from camp coming to visit me on Tuesday and then I get to go down south on Thursday so that should be fun. I just have to keep reminding myself that Today is a new day and there is something good coming out of all of this!

Tuesday, July 08, 2008


I have decided that there are things to do in this little town you just have to know where to look. In the past few weeks I have had more fun just sitting around doing a whole lot of nothing. Yes I get bored some times like now but then I just find something else to do. I think I should be talking to God right now but instead I am writing this blog. I think that a lot of times we fill our loves up with so much stuff that we don't really take time out for God. Kind of like what I am doing now. I think that when we keep ourselves so busy it is partly to keep ourselves distracted so we don't have to face something. Are you distracting yourself today? Go spend some time with God and see what he has to say. You never know what you might learn.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Washed by the Water

I feel like nothing in my life is ever stable. I mean don't get me wrong I love my life but just as I am starting to get used to something it is either ripped out of my life or something happens and it all changes. I have been praying and praying for some good Christian friends in my life and it just isn't happening. I am frustrated and I can't stand it any longer. I am tired of living in this city where there is nothing to do after like ten. I want to have a life and the only time I have time to have a life is after ten. I have one friend right now that I can count on most of the time and she just told me that she is thinking about moving to Dallas. It is just frustrating when all you want is for her to stay here but I am not her mother so I can't make her stay. So I was listing to this song by Needtobreathe called Washed by the Water. It is AWESOME. I made me realize that I am God's child and he is my father hence I am washed by the water even when the storms of life come my way. Here is the video if you want to watch it.

P.S. after writing this I went to my blog to look at it and clearly I have been dealing with this whole friendship thing a while now. So I am sorry if you are bored and tired of reading about it but it is how I feel. It is the real me!

YES I KNOW I NEED TO LET IT GO!!! I am working on it but it is hard!