Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A Call To Die.

I started this Bible Study with a friend of mine. The book is called A Call To Die. It challenges you to give something up for the 40 days that you are doing the Bible study. So I gave up my cell phone. Now in todays world it is hard for a college aged person to not have a cell phone. They are everywhere. Just stay in one spot and watch. I bet you at least every other person that passes you will be on the phone or doing something with their phone. To be quite honest they probably won't even realize that you are standing there.

I think in todays world we are becoming so technological that it is hard for us to have real relationships. I am one who loves spending time with people. I have fun just sitting and talking for hours. Are we missing something from not being personal with each other? I think that the answer is yes. You can't tell what someone is really thinking over the phone. You can't see the way they are acting like by their body language. If you were to go to a foreign country 80% of what you did to try to talk to people would be by your body language (a smile a hug a handshake).

Don't get me wrong I love talking on the phone. It is well was something that I did all the time. That is why I gave it up. Since I have done this I have realized how we are starting to do less listening and more talking. If we never listen then how are we to hear God? I think that this is something that I was having a problem with. Since I started this Bible Study I have listened more to God and he keeps telling me that I am never alone. It has been a constant theme over the past few days. God often speaks though me in songs. My favorite song at the moment is a song by Mainstay called Hang on. It is amazing. You should take the time to listen to it. I tried to find it on youtube but I didn't have much luck.

Another song I love by them is called Your Not Alone. I did find this one on youtube and I think it is an amazing way to do a song so take the time to watch this video.

Anyway I am going to try to keep things posted on here of what is happening with my life and how I am being changed. I hope you have a blessed day and I will be writing soon.

Sunday, January 20, 2008


Well I haven't blogged in awhile. I have been really busy. I was leaving church this morning and I started thinking about how church is supposed to be the one place you can come and be yourself and still be accepted but it has turned into a place where everyone comes on Sunday mornings and Wed nights and they put on a smile and act as if everything is just find and dandy. Well most days it isn't. No one is perfect and everyone has problems. Even the people you think have it all together. I have been asked by several people this week if I am happy and I keep telling people that I am happy and that I am just stressed but I think that they truth in the situation is no I am not happy. I am feeling distanced from God and not really sure how to find him. I have been looking and still don't feel him. I know he is with me but I am in a low point and it is starting to get frustrating. I long to be close to him. I am starting a Bible study and working on surrounding myself with Christians and finding an accountability partner so my hope is that all of this will help me in the long run. I guess my challenge to you is to not be fake with people. Be real with them. Tell people what is really going on in life. I know that is hard but it is something that if we all did I think the world would be a much better place!