Tuesday, November 07, 2006


I was looking for a paper that I had written and I came across this one.

The Worst Best Year of my Life

This year has been a very hard year for me. I have gone from having a close friend to not having friends to slowing having a few friends. I have had a lot of set backs and I have found out a lot about myself that I didn’t know.

The year started out great. I had close friends and I had nothing to worry about school was great and I was having fun. I had decided to go on a chrysalis and I never knew how much that could change your life. It was an AWESOME experience. It made my relationship with Christ grow. It also made me look at how other people are treated and how I treat others.

Then a week before my birthday everything started to fall apart. I went rolling with some friends and we rolled a lot of people but we rolled the band director and he wasn’t too happy about it because one of the guys that was with us wrote “Screw You” on his driveway in chocolate syrup. We didn’t know this until we got in the car to drive off. We would have gone back and cleaned it up but we thought we were caught. We knew that he would be mad so we made up a cover story for school the next week. He pulled three other boys in the office on Monday and said that they did it and tried to get them to confess to it. They were taking the wrap for something that we did. Then on Wednesday he finally figured out who actually did it. He wanted to talk to us in his office and he said that he wanted us to clean his drive way. He also said that he was going to call our parents. I was so scared because I knew my parents would be so disappointed in me. I had to call my mom and tell her everything. It was so scary. She wanted me to go to his house and clean his drive way but I didn’t want to go alone. We all got together and we cleaned his driveway and wrote an apology letter.

My friend thought I was the one who told on us. She decided that she didn’t want to be friends anymore and just like that I lost my best friend. The sad thing is that it was three days before my birthday. It was a really low point in my life.

I was slowly starting to recover and make new friends. Then on January 16th I got a phone call at 5:45 from one of my moms coworkers she wanted to make sure that we were all right. I asked her why and she told me that one of our church vans coming home from Winterfest, a youth conference in Dallas, had rolled and there were serious injuries. I hung up the phone and started crying. I didn’t know details but I knew it would be bad. My mom called the McKnight’s, some people I baby-sit for. Their daughter had gone on the trip. We found out that there were eight people in the car and one of them had died. I wasn’t close to any of them but I knew who they were and I knew some of their family members. I was really upset. This incident turned my life into a living nightmare. It really made me think about how you are only here for a little while before you move on to another place and you never know how long you will be here.

Then about a month later I went to San Antonio to show a pig. On the way we were going to stop at my grandparents, Dads parents, to drop off a trailer to pick up some goats on the way home. We didn’t know how sick my grandpa was but we soon found out he couldn’t walk. My dad decided to take him to Lubbock to the hospital. That left me two hours from my aunt’s house. Where I was supposed to be to show my pig. I had to drive to Borne by myself. It was kind of scary but I didn’t really have a choice. When I got to my aunts house I had to wait on my mom to drive from Abilene to Borne. When she got there we went to the stock show and I got my pig ready for show. The next day I showed my pig. He didn’t do too well but that was ok because my mom needed to leave. Then we went back to my aunt’s house. My mom decided that she should go to her mom’s house because her mom thought she had pneumonia. I stayed the night at my aunt’s house and then went home. On my way home I stopped in Kerrville to see my grandma and my mom. Then I had to go back to my dads parents house and pick up the goats. Then I stopped at Graven Store to get some gas money from my mom. Then I pulled a trailer home, which was four hours. It was kind of scary. I did a lot of traveling by myself that weekend. It gave me an opportunity to think and clear my head.

Not to long after the San Antonio stock show I went to Braham for the Sift before the Houston Stock show. Before I left the McKnight’s oldest daughter Caitlin told me that they were moving to Kansas. I was in shock. I was just getting to know them and they are great people. I was really upset about the news. I couldn’t believe that they were moving and it really didn’t hit me then. I didn’t do as well as I thought I would at the stock show but that was ok. I got to go home and get some rest.

After the Houston Stock show I had tryouts for mascot. It was really fun and I enjoyed being mascot. Tryouts in front of judges didn’t go too well. I felt that I didn’t do a good job. A wise person told me that if it was meant to happen then it would. Then we went in front of student body. It was a blast. I had fun being out there. I didn’t make mascot but that is ok because God has something bigger planed for me.

About a week after Mascot tryouts my youth minister announced that he was moving. I have been babysitting his family for about two years. I felt so sad. I cried all during church. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I thought it was a dream. It was total shock that they were moving too.

My grandpa is still sick and can’t walk. The doctors say that he will get better and regain all motion in his legs. My grandpa keeps talking about moving to Lubbock. I can’t imagine them moving. They have lived in the same place my whole life. It is about 30 min from my mom’s mom. So every year when we go down there we get to see both sides of the family. If they move it will be harder on us to see them as often.

I applied to Junior Scholars a program during the month of June that will allow me to have six college hours. I got accepted but I didn’t get a full scholarship and I am not sure if I will be going. I am not sure if that is what I am supposed to do with my summer. I am still undecided but I know in the end everything will turn out the way it is supposed to.

Though all that has happened to me, it has been a great year. I have made new friends and learned a lot about life. I have a new understanding of how important friendships are. I have changed a lot this year. I have thought more about life and what happens after High School. I have realized that we are here only by the grace of God. We are here to glorify him. I may have some rough times but I will make it though this because God will never give me more than I can handle.

I wrote this at the end of my Jr. Year of High School. I have been looking back a lot lately and seeing how much I have changed but I didn't realize until now how much I went through my Jr. and Sr. year. I didn't really have a close friend my Sr. year and if it hadn't been for an awesome teacher I am not sure what would have happened to me. I guess you could say she was my friend because at times it felt like she was my only person I had to talk to at school. I still talk to her but it isn’t the same as it was. My college year started out rocky. I didn’t really have a close friend and the first few weeks were hard. All my friends were in other dorms and they were getting to know people and having fun I kind of felt like I was far away from everyone but now I have two close friends and it is great. It has been a really great year so far. God is challenging me and I am trying to see what he has planed for me but often times it is when you get up on top that you see why. I see that more now looking back on the last two years. I see that I have grown up and matured. I see stuff that goes on that I wouldn’t have noticed before and I am more aware of my surroundings. God works in mysterious ways and it is so awesome when we see it happen with us