Friday, March 31, 2006

Family Retreat


This weekend is our churches semi annual family retreat. My parents are in charge of it and as a family we always go down early and set things up and get ready for everyone to get there. This year however will be a lil different. I am not going down early. It is really weird because I have not ever showed up late. For the past 10 years I have always gone down early. This family retreat will also be the last one that I will go to as a family because next year I will be in college. It is kind of weird. Anyway it will be fun and I know that I will have a blast. I hope you have a great week!


Thursday, March 23, 2006



Have you ever sat and thought about Heaven? I was on my way home tonight and I thought about how Christ is so compassionate and he loves ALL of us and he cares for us and I started to wonder when we get to Heaven will we remember our love ones we left behind and will we look down on them and watch them live their life. I know that there are only happy tears in Heaven but if you saw something bad happen to someone you left behind would your heart not go out to them and would you not maybe cry with them because they are in pain. I know that God has everything planned out so if you were in Heaven you might be able to see what was going to happen in the end but it still amazes me to think and ponder those things. Just something to think about. I hope you have a great week!


Sunday, March 19, 2006

pet peeves

I have decided that when it comes to friends I have two pet peeves. One is when you say I will call you back tomorrow DO IT! Don't just say something that you know you won't do. The other one is when it comes to boyfriends and friends your friends come first! I know that it is important to have a boyfriend but your friends will always be there and boyfriends come and go. I am not sure why but it really bugs me when your friend starts dating someone and then they don't call you back and they never have time for you. I hope that I never put a guy before my friends.


Tuesday, March 14, 2006

My trip to Houston


I just got home from Houston. It was a really fun trip. I went to Houston to show a pig. I didn't feel too great the whole time I was there but I still had fun. My mom took me down there and drove me around. We stayed at my uncles house with his new wife and 3 kids. It was fun for me because I love kids and I love being with family. We got there Sunday evening and we went to eat and then we to bed. We went to the stock show early to wash my pig but we found out that I would have to wait until after lunch to wash. We went and slept in the car until lunch and then we went in around 2 to wash. Then I ended up showing around 6:30. My uncle and his wife and 3 kids came to watch along with one of my cousins. It was a blast. Then we went out to eat and then we went back to my uncles house. We headed home on Tuesday morning but we didn't make it far. We stopped to have lunch with another uncle then we went to one of my aunts houses. It was so much fun to see some of my family. Then we headed home. It was a great trip. It was also kind of sad. It was my last stock show ever. It was fun. Anyway I hope you have a great week!


Wednesday, March 01, 2006



This week has been a hard one but I am slowly getting through it. Tonight was a huge high point. I needed to spend some time with God and I got to tonight. I am also getting back into the babysitting business which I haven't been doing since everyone moved. I am really enjoying it though. It has been hard to get back into it though. It is hard to love and then to watch the people you love leave. A wise person once told me that when you put your heart out there and love someone you pay the price of grief when they are gone. The families that I babysat for are still around they just aren't as close as I would like them to be. It has been hard but I am glad I am getting back out there. I love kids and would do anything for them. That is why I LOVE my job. I look forward to going to work each day. Some days are harder than other but in the long run I love it. It is so amazing to me how when you are having the worst day in the world a child can since it and will come up to you out of the blue and give you the biggest hug in the world. That just amazes me. I think that is why I love children so much. They are so innocent but yet they still know a lot. Anyway my week is starting to look up and I am looking forward to the weekend. I hope everyone is having a great week!
