Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Love Them Like Jesus

I love this song. I haven't heard it in forever and the other day on my way to Fort Worth it came on and it just fit my life. There is so much going on right now that I don't even know where to begin and sometimes I just don't want to do when I am faced with the situations I am faced with.

The other day I was doing neighborhood walkers and we found out that one of our neighbors husbands was put in jail about a month ago. He didn't really have anything to do with what he was charged with but because he had a previous record he was told the best thing to do is to serve the 10 months and not try to fight it. This broke my heart. Yes this guy might have been rough in the past but he is the sweetest older man you will ever meet and now he is in jail. It breaks my heart. His wife (the one who told us) is having a hard time and I was not sure what to say so I said what came to mind and I told her to call me if she needed anything. I may not have the answers to why this is happening to them but I can be there for them right now.

So many times in my life I am thrown into situations that I thought I would NEVER know how to deal with and I have done really well at that time and in that moment. I know that it is because God is with me and he is telling me to love them like he would. You don't always have to know what to say you just have to be able to be with them and show them that you care about them. In the end that is what matters.

When someone you know is hurting reach out to them and show them that you care.

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