Friday, April 15, 2011


I'm reading a book and it starts off talking about the story of Cinderella. It asks you where do you see yourself. I think I normally see myself as one of the girls who tries her best but still doesn't get to dance with the prince and the slipper really doesn't fit no matter how hard I try. Let's face it I have big feet. I refer to them as boats most of the time. I don't think my foot would fit in the slipper. Then again I am not like everyone else. There aren't a ton of girls with feet as big as mine. The more I think of the story of Cinderella and all of my unique qualities the more I realize I might have a shot at being Cinderella. God created us all differently and I think or I hope that one day I will get to be Cinderella. I dream of the day when a boy will come sweep me off my feet and he will see me as the unique person I am. Slowly my confidence in myself is growing and I am realizing how special I am. I hope every girl can see her qualities that make her Cinderella. It is so much easier to see the Cinderella qualities in someone else but often times they have the same doubts you do. Today realize you have a shot just like every other girl in the ball room. Today might be your day. You might be Cinderella and make all the other girls jealous. You never know who is watching you and thinking man I wish I was like her. There is always someone wondering how you do it. You are Cinderella. You might still be waiting on the fairy godmother but your day will come. Until then know the truth. You are Cinderella. The world just might not know it. God created you. And God doesn't make something that isn't a beautiful creation!!

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