Tuesday, January 05, 2010


This is my 300th blog. I think that is pretty amazing! :D I have had a blog for awhile now.


I have been thinking and asking for a word of the year. I wasn't 100% sure what is was until last night at soaking. I kept getting the word NEW but I wasn't sure if that was just because I was starting over or if it was because that was my word but all through soaking I got the same word so I thought this must be my word.

Then after we had soaked they went around the room and spoke words over us. It came to be my turn and Amy asked me if I had received anything. Which I had but I am not really one to just come out and share things with a group of people unless I know them all pretty well but I did. I have been hearing God say that this year was going to be a good year and this year would be one of starting over and starting NEW. I just love that. Last night it was all just confirmed for me. After I said all of this they said well that is good but lets see what else we get. Joy came up and I love that because I feel like now that I have gotten through everything I was going through and I drop the baggage I had been carrying around I have a NEW found joy. I love that. Then someone said a football goal which she thought meant you are going to reach your goals. Right after that someone said hope. Which I thought was interesting because I immediately thought about one of my dreams. I want to someday start an inner city ministry to children and youth and one of the names I had thought about was Hope. So it was just really amazing that those two things happened back to back. Then another person said dreamer. I just love that. I feel that God is doing great things trough me and in me and he will continue to use me in amazing ways. I can't wait to see what is in store for me in 2010! :D

On another note part of my NEW beginnings I am moving this weekend. I am going to live with one of my friends which I think will be so fun and will be good for me. I have realized that because of everything that happened and letting go of all that I was carrying around I have become so free and I have started doing things that college aged kids do like stay out all night and other fun things. I think I am going to enjoy this NEW life of mine. :D

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